Grow Naija, Feed the World

Grow Naija, Feed the World is a timely intervention towards the diversification of the economy from crude oil to agriculture. The youth constitute 60% of Nigeria’s population of which the staggering rate of unemployment closely copies that percentage.

Agriculture is the obvious choice for diversification and change. However, experience has shown that a range of issues and misconceptions negatively affect young people’s attention to agriculture, these conventional impressions include:

1. Agriculture is not a job
2. It is meant for the elderly and senior citizens
3. It is dirty work
4. It is meant for illiterates and rural dwellers

Youths need to see the exciting prospects in taking Agriculture as a career path, and hence employ their efforts into it.

By creating Agricultural role models via the Grow Naija, Feed the World Reality Show, and creating a ‘face’ towards the venture, youths will be galvanized into considering Agriculture as a veritable economic tool.

This idea, though novel to Nigeria, is not entirely new to the world as the United States of America has been hosting a Miss Agriculture pageant since year 2009, and has recorded huge success over the years.

The target participants are youths between 18 – 35 years.


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